User Language : |
Type Of : |
Please specify your Type
Location (Port of loading) : |
(For Shipper Only)
Please specify your location
User ID : |
Please provide your favour user ID
User ID only accepts characters ( A-Z a-z 0-9 ) and symbols ( . - _ ), no space, and length from 3 to 10.
New Password: |
Please provide your new password
Confirm New Password: |
Please re-type your new password
Company Name : |
Please provide your company name
Special character and non-English character are not allowed.
Company Name must contain at least 3 English characters.
Address : |
Please provide your company address
Special character and non-English character are not allowed.
Special character and non-English character are not allowed. |
Special character and non-English character are not allowed. |
Special character and non-English character are not allowed. |
City, State Zip :
Please provide your city
Country / Region :
Please provide your country/Region
Tel : |
Please provide your company phone number
Special character and non-English character are not allowed.
Fax : |
Special character and non-English character are not allowed. |
Email : |
(Single Email Only)
Invalid email format.
Please provide your email address
Contact : |
Please provide the name of contact person
Special character and non-English character are not allowed.
Referred By (M+R Staff) : |
(Name of person)
Please provide the name of referral person
Special character and non-English character are not allowed.
Referred By (M+R Staff) Email: |
(Single Email Only)
Invalid email format. Please enter correct M+R or LPA email address.
Remark : |
*The system is designed to identify shipments under your above registered name/address. Should you trade under different names and addresses, please do inform us by E-mail with details to :